P.O. Box 1383
Rawlins, Wyoming 82301
© 1991-2009 North American Pronghorn Foundation
North American Pronghorn Foundation

With deep sorrow we note the passing of William L. "Bill" Morris, Chairman of The North American Pronghorn Foundation, Board of Directors.
To our organization, Bill was a founding member and our first Chairman of the Board. To those of us who worked with him, he was a man of vision, a man whose leadership style always seemed to bring forth our best efforts to achieve the goals of the foundation.
To the state of Wyoming, Bill was a native son whose life was devoted to the betterment of the state's wildlife resources and the high desert ecosystem. During his 32-year Game & Fish Department career, Bill advanced to become the agency's director.
Throughout his professional life and into his retirement years, Bill was ever the advocate of education and innovation. While his contributions are too numerous to list, there are notable projects he inspired and actively worked to support, and of which he was justifiably proud. Some of Bill's programs that will benefit Wyoming residents and resources for years to come are:
HelluvaHunt Created to make the hunting experience available to the physically impaired.
Sage Grouse Foundation Established to promote awareness of the Sage Grouse as a valuable state resource while working to improve habitat.
National Youth Hunter Challenge Designed to promote outdoor skills for Wyoming youth within the framework of a national program.
Wyoming WildLife "Worth the Watching" A program to create public awareness of the many species of wildlife and wildlands found in Wyoming and provide opportunities for their enjoyment.
National Pronghorn Interpretive Center A visitors' center dedicated to understanding the Pronghorn Antelope and its habitat.
Black-Footed Ferret Reintroduction of the endangered ferret to its natural habitat.
Deeds are said to be the true measure of man's time on earth. By this or any measure, the life of Bill Morris and his contributions will provide the yardstick by which to gauge the efforts of those who follow.
To our friend and colleague we bid farewell. You will be sorely missed.
North American
Pronghorn Foundation
"On April 27, 1995 A True
Wyoming Treasure Was Lost"