Mike Carrico
Vice President:
Shane Mathill
Justin Carrico
Gene Carrico
Board of Directors:
Kevin Carrico
Frederick, Colorado
Gene Carrico
Rawlins, Wyoming
Chad Engstrom
Rawlins, Wyoming
North American Pronghorn Foundation
The present members of the Foundation cordially invite you to join with us and take up the conservation challenge. Without the help of many concerned individuals, groups, businesses, and other concerned entities, a foundation is certain to fall short of its objectives. The wildlife conversation movement has always depended on grassroots support from these various outdoor enthusiasts, whether their relationship to the great outdoors was principally consumptive or non-consumptive.
The contribution of money through donation or as a consequence of the tax receipts collected from the sale of sporting equipment has been enormous in terms of its impact on the funding of the state and federally administered wildlife programs. Unfortunately, the reality of current fiscal constraints on game and habitat programs no longer paint the "rosy picture" which once existed before this period of crippling deficits.
The Foundation believes that a new day is dawning in the arena of wildlife conversation which will be characterized by a coalition of those dedicated conservationists who will poll their energies and their resources, monetary and otherwise, to guaranteed a source of funding to augment or entirely fund worthwhile wildlife projects.
Without necessary philosophical and financial support many vital wildlife programs may be curtailed or eliminated altogether if additional funding is unavailable. In as much as you derive inspiration, recreation, and in some cases even remuneration from wildlife encounters, you have a personal stake in assuring that Pronghorn and their environment will continue to be an integral part of the future of wildlife conservation, and not just a memory of its once glorious past!
Initially our intent is to establish a strong base of operations headquartered in Wyoming. Ultimately we expect to expand to every state and province which harbors a resident Pronghorn population, as well as establish chapters in any locality where sufficient interest and local support are evident. We are particularly interested in recruiting those fellow conservation groups and business entities who share our concerns.
As indicated in our Foundation Statements, the Foundation intends to provide whatever assistance may be required in order that Pronghorn remain a viable part of our North American heritage and future. The foundation sincerely appreciates your consideration of this invitation and trusts that we may rely on your membership and contribution.

© 1991-2009 North American Pronghorn Foundation
P.O. Box 1383
Rawlins, Wyoming 82301